The BETSEE project (Best practices Exchange for Youth Trainers in the field of Sharing Economy and Ecology) aims, as the name suggests, to share examples of best practices in the areas of environmental education, with a special focus on the sharing economy, between various organizations with experience in youth education, each with a different target group. The focus on environmental education provides the employees of these organizations with new skills and knowledge for more sustainable and “green” work, so that they can develop these skills with the young people they work with.

The project consortium is made up of partners from France, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. Through local workshops, it has been possible to identify the needs that young people have in the project’s themes, in order to develop an e-manual that can address them, while developing other interpersonal skills that will be useful to them in the future, such as entrepreneurship, creativity, communication, digital, teamwork, critical thinking.

More informations:


International Partners
– Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion – France
– Fattoria Pugliese  Diffusa  – Italy
– Le Tre Ghinee – Italy
– Future in Prospective Limited – Ireland

National Partners
– Municipality of Beja
– Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth

– Erasmus+, reference number: 2020-3-FR02-KA205-018236


The main activities of the BETSEE project

Initial Meetings

Partners meet in Lisbon to prepare the next stages of the project.

Green E-Manual

Construction of an e-manual compiling best practices in the various countries of the partner organizations in the areas of sustainability and the shared and circular economy

LTTA - Lisbon

Training for youth workers on the project to improve the e-manual

Local Activities

Each partner will implement a local workshop to raise young people’s awareness of the project’s themes

Other international meetings

Intermediate meetings between the partners to evaluate the project and the next steps.


During the project, we will share all the content produced and the acess to the oficial website

The Green E-Manual elaborated during the project is available for download at  this link.